Tuesday, May 24, 2011

[Fiona]...and His Name Shall be Frank

I have an obsession. I fall in love with cute, small, adorable, stuffed animals and then I buy them. Shrek knows I have the heart of a five year-old trapped within my soul. He has given up telling me no and merely shakes his head whenever I move in for the kill. Today we played hookey from life and went to a local mall wherein a Disney Store{sigh}is housed.

Disney Store equals magic cure for my soul. It has the essence of untarnished youth. The grand possibilities of life fill my head. I feel a sense of calm roll over my being. I know silly, right? Well remind me to never tell you how excited I get over going to the local hardware store, OK?

I like to walk through the store and see all the gimmicky cutesy stuff before I carefully move to my goal. The stuffed babies display. I see him from across the stacked tshirts stand. A penguin dressed in a Yeti suit. OMGosh the smile starts to rise on my face. There is only one, he is cute, small, adorable and soon to be mine :)

By the look on Shrek's face I know he will give in to my silly need. I bring my friend to the cashier. I am aglow as I chat with the clerk. "His name is Frank." I say as I place him on the checkout counter. This would be a good time to tell you that ALL of my stuffies are named Frank. I do not know why but it makes me smile.

1 comment:

  1. We somehow welcomed a stuffed wombat into our family last weekend...
