Sunday, September 30, 2007

[Fiona] WTF !

Anyone who uses text messaging will recognize the gist of my feelings from the title. I went to my friendly, local WW meeting this morning. I lost 2.6 pounds this week. For the record, I have lost 89.6 pounds in 30 weeks. I have worked diligently at adopting and adapting new eating habits. Recently, I have even taken up exercise as well. So imagine my shock when my leader told me that I need to get a note from my doctor to continue my efforts as "corporate has been cracking down on leaders who allow people to lose more than the allotted average 2 pounds a week" OKAY! WHAT THE FUCK!?!

My WW meeting means the world to me. I have met some really incredible people there. In the book you get that very first week it says,"Please note : Everyone loses weight at a different pace. The success stories you see in the WW program materials are included for your inspiration and motivation. They are not representative of the results you may achieve." Even their own front office admits individual results may happen,from the mouths of babes.

In my lifetime I have lost and gained enough pounds to sustain 2 people. When I diet I stick to program and the weight falls off as it chooses not as I choose. I understand the concern. Sometimes people go to the opposite extreme. They become obsessed with losing weight and make themselves sick in the process. This week I will put a call into my doctor to touch base and make sure that I am indeed healthy. I am confident that the answer will be; yes, absolutely. I haven't felt this well since I was in my 20's.

Just so you know corporate people at WW. The best way to kill some one's best efforts is to pull a stunt like the one visited on myself today. My spirit and my efforts will not be crushed.

1 comment:

  1. I forget what trail of wandering from one blog link to the next brought me here, but I enjoyed reading your blog.

    Great job on WW! Don't let corporate WW get you down, and keep up the good work! I have had great success with WW in the past, but unfortunately it doesn't work so well when you're out at sea on a Navy ship that serves nothing but fattening, unhealthy food. So each time I go on sea duty, my weight steadily climbs to my "sea duty" max, and each time I go on shore duty, I join WW and steadily drop my weight back down to my college or "shore duty" weight. I'd really like to break this cycle of ups and downs, but I don't see that happening until I stop going out to sea.

    Anyway, I'll get off my soap box now. Again, enjoyed reading your blog. Keep up the good work!
