Friday, October 17, 2008

[Shrek] I Know Who Won The Debates

Now that all of the presidential debates are over, I'm finally ready to declare who won all the debates.

My guy.

Yeah, the way he just kept pounding what he believed in, and kept showing that the other guy--who is completely clueless I might add--simply has no idea what he's talking about, was great. I mean, just the way he kept showing how that other guy was just making stuff up about what my guy believes, and he kept showing all the misrepresentations of my guy's positions the other guy was making was ingenious.

Now I know that with the war going on, and with this huge financial crisis crippling our economy, my guy has do a few things that might be unpopular. But that other guy's ideas really go too far, and in some cases don't go far enough. My guy understands all the issues and will do what's best for America. That other guy just has no clue.

And have you seen who is supporting that other guy? Why the heck would anyone want to vote for someone that has support from them? I mean, they're just as clueless as the guy they're supporting.

I can't wait for this election to be over so my guy can begin all that change he's talking about, and that other guy will hopefully slip into obscurity.

1 comment:

  1. Look, Shrek, nothing personal, but you've really overdone it with the spin control here. It is so painfully obvious that the other guy won the debates. He was better prepared, much surer of himself, and he can also be sure that the right people are behind him. It should be clear that he has "the stuff" that we need to travel the right road. And his opponent has basically said the same thing during all the debates. Laughable. I know where my vote's going!
