Monday, May 19, 2008

[Shrek] Finished!!!

I have finally finished the (as of now) complete run of Sue Grafton books. It took longer than I expected, mostly because life kept getting in the way of play time.

I hate when that happens.

For folks wondering if they were any good, well, most of them were. The early ones sucked. But as I had the whole run I figured I'd give them a try for at least three or four books before deciding to stop. Luckily C Is for Corpse was one of the good ones, and from that point on they were pretty good.

Now I'm on to The Sundering by Jacqueline Carey, which is a combination of her two novels Banewreaker and Godslayer. Carey writes long books, and The Sundering was so long her publisher broke them into two books. I waited for the Science Fiction Book Club edition, which put them back together.

I don't know what Fiona is reading...perhaps she'll mention it next time.

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