Thursday, August 6, 2009

[Shrek and Fiona] Theme Thursday 8-6

Well folks, it's time for another edition of Theme Thursday. This week's theme is "KISS", and that turned out to be a lot harder than we thought it would be. Usually there are no real rules about Theme Thursday, but there was one specific rule mentioned for this week: keep it clean.

OK, that eliminated idea number one.

Our second idea was to post pictures of celebrities kissing each other, and turn it into a long chain of celeb #1 kissing #2, and then #2 kissing #3, and so on until #7 or #8 was back to kissing celeb #1. While not a bad idea, we couldn't get the chain beyond four celebs while still following the "keep it clean" directive.

So much for idea number two.

Doing something about the rock group KISS seemed to easy, but we did find one pic worth posting along that vein.

And there's another kissing pick that has made the rounds as the punchline to the joke about where the swine flu came from, and while we suspect many will post it the pic is funny enough to share again.

It's kind of ironic that KISS can also stand for "keep it simple stupid", because at this point it was anything but simple to come up with a good idea for the theme. We did find a few cute picks of kissing...

...but, in general, not really a great path to take as there really isn't anything there that results in a punchline.

But then we remembered one pic that follows every rule we need to's a kiss, it's clean, and it's funny. It's a picture of Cristie Kerr kissing the trophy she just received after winning the LPGA Longs Drugs Challenge at the Twelve Bridges Golf Club in Lincoln, California.

You can create your own punchline.


  1. Oh boy, at first glance that last pic looked totally obscene. LMAO

  2. Ha! That last picture...I'll bet she cheerio'd...

    Glad I didn't opt for the photo route this week; you've got it completely covered. Hillarious.

  3. Ha ha the pics are great. I would love to see the kissing chain though :)


  4. what an hilarious take on TT! I enjoyed this soooo much. Last photo I have not seen so that was a great ending.

  5. That first pic looks like she's saying, "I want my bottle, NOW!"

  6. ok, i went and brushed my teeth after the kid with the pig. love the animal pics...too cute.

  7. Bwahahaha! Love it! The "swine-flu" kiss is hysterical! As for a punch-line on that last one...oh never mind, 'tis not even close to being clean, wot? HA!

  8. nice trophy. lol!

    the baby licking the pig's snout was kinda gross. :p

  9. OH My Lord!!! That is just so crazy! LOL:)

  10. Some of those pictures are seriously cute.

  11. What?! I didn't see anything in the last pic.

  12. Great pictures. Started out like a ping-pong game, ended with a punch line. -Jayne

  13. Haha . .you should have gone with number one. I've seen a couple this week that would make the Vicar blush! Great pics . .

  14. Ah that poor wee babby with the 'Kiss' facepaint!

    And the last one LOL- she'll never live that down...

  15. HAH! Love the pics, very quirky. The last one is just good enough, no words needed!

  16. That KISS baby freaks me out.

  17. Hey, I totally removed the "clean" thing, you didn't see that?


    I have that picture of that kid on my bulletin board at work. Classic.

  18. Awww those were great pics! Especially the one with the big dog and the tiny little kitten. Lovely!

  19. great pics. the last one was hysterical.
