Monday, August 24, 2009

[Shrek] Thank You Tornadoes

The Worcester Tornadoes are, in fact, going to take care of the few of us that chose to stay away from the ballpark during the warnings/watches. I learned of this prior to Peterman's comment a few minutes ago on my previous post, but I wasn't able to make this post until just now (Google/blogger only allows one ID to be signed in at a time, and I was doing something under my other ID).

I've always enjoyed going to the Tornadoes, and I'm glad this all got worked out.


  1. I'm shocked the Tornadoes took care of your issue. Twice in the last three seasons I've had problems with them involving my handicapped son and each time they ignored our issues. I'll never deal with them again.

  2. Dennis, if you could send me an e-mail about your issues I'd appreciate it:

    shrekandfionablog at gmail dot com
