Thursday, September 24, 2009

[Shrek and Fiona] Theme Thursday 9-24

It's time for another Theme Thursday again, and this week's theme is "wild". With us both being hockey fans the first thought was obvious...

And I expect this week will see be more than a couple of mentions of "Wild Bill Hickok"...

...and Oscar Wilde.

But odds are this will be the only mention of Zakk Wylde.

There should be a mention of The Rolling Stones, who sang Wild Horses...

...and Charlie Sheen, who played Rick "Wild Thing" Vaughn In the Major League movies

Now, in our attempt to find some connection to beautiful women, we determined that any actress with the last name "Wild" was more likely than not to be working in films that don't generate many "rated PG" photos--if you catch our drift.

But lo and behold, it turns out that there is an all girl classical music group called "Wild", and they have lots of rated PG pictures...

Fiona was quick to mention there's a new kid's movie coming out called Where the Wild Things Are...

...written by Maurice Sendak for the crayon set.

Which leads us to The Wild, written by Whitley Strieber...

...a book that may have actually been written in crayon.

For this week's totally unrelated YouTube video, we give you Meatloaf...


  1. and meatloaf can be pretty nice trip through the wild side.

  2. lot of wild stuff i wouldn't have thought about Steve Martin and Dan Ackroyd..."Two Wild and crazy guys" ?
    great meatloaf song! Have you heard the new one by Turkey and Stuffing?

  3. Great take you two! Awesome assortment of references. I think you may ahve covered them all, yes?

  4. I agree! I think you've pretty much covered all your bases with this one! Happy Theme Thursday!

  5. Wow - Now THAT is covering the bases!

  6. That is simply a wild bunch of material.

  7. I dig all the WILD stuff but my favorite is revisiting the MEAT LOAF song...LOVE IT!

  8. Enjoyed your take on wildness!

  9. Ack! I haven't even written my post yet, and all the ideas are gone! ;)

    Nice job, you two!

  10. Great variety. I can't wait for the movie of "Where The Wild Things Are" totally a family fave. Have a great weekend!

  11. That was awesome. I didn't know that Meatloaf did that song. I'll have to look up more of his music. Happy TT
